Pseudomugil Furcatus

Pseudomugil furcatus, commonly known as the Forktail Blue-eye, is a stunningly beautiful freshwater fish native to Northern Australia. This species is known for its striking iridescent blue and yellow colors, making it a popular choice among aquarists around the world.

First discovered in the early 1900s, PM furcatus has since become a well-established presence in the aquarium trade. With its peaceful temperament and relatively small size, it is a great addition to community tanks, adding a pop of color and interest to any aquatic environment.

One interesting aspect of PM furcatus is its unique breeding behavior. Unlike many other fish species, these Forktail Blue-eyes are known to exhibit parental care, with males actively guarding and caring for their offspring. This nurturing behavior has led to successful breeding programs in captivity, helping to conserve this species and its genetic diversity.

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in sustainable aquaculture practices, including the breeding of ornamental fish species like Pseudomugil furcatus. By supporting responsible breeding programs and avoiding wild-caught specimens, hobbyists can help protect natural populations and reduce the impact of overfishing on these beautiful fish.

Overall, PM furcatus continues to capture the hearts of aquarists and conservationists alike, showcasing the delicate balance between aesthetic beauty and ecological sustainability in the world of ornamental fishkeeping. With its vibrant colors, fascinating behavior, and conservation potential, the Forktail Blue-eye remains a beloved and valuable species in the aquarium hobby.

What is the significance of Pseudomugil furcatus in the aquarium hobby?

Pseudomugil furcatus, also known as the Forktail Blue-eye, is a popular freshwater fish species in the aquarium hobby. This stunning fish is prized for its vibrant appearance, peaceful nature, and ease of care. Keep reading to learn more about the characteristics and care requirements of Pseudomugil furcatus in order to determine if it is the right fish for your aquarium.

The Fascinating Pseudomugil Furcatus

Pseudomugil furcatus, commonly known as the Forktail Blue-eye, is a stunning and unique species of fish that originates from the rainforests of Papua New Guinea. This fish belongs to the Pseudomugilidae family and is a popular choice among tropical fish enthusiasts due to its striking coloration and peaceful nature.


The Pseudomugil furcatus is characterized by its vibrant blue and yellow colors, with a distinctive forked tail that gives it its name. The males of this species are usually more colorful and display longer fins compared to females.

Habitat and Behavior

In the wild, Pseudomugil furcatus can be found in slow-moving streams and shallow waters with dense vegetation. They are known to be shoaling fish, meaning they prefer to live in groups. In an aquarium setting, it is recommended to keep them in a school of six or more to ensure their well-being.

Diet and Feeding

Pseudomugil furcatus are omnivores and will thrive on a diet that consists of high-quality flakes, pellets, frozen, and live foods. It is essential to provide a varied diet to ensure that they receive all the necessary nutrients for their overall health and vibrant coloration.

Tank Requirements

  • Minimum tank size of 20 gallons
  • Temperature range of 72-82°F
  • Soft, slightly acidic water (pH 6.0-7.0)
  • A well-planted aquarium with hiding spots


Breeding PM furcatus can be a rewarding experience for aquarists. The males will display vibrant colors and court the females by flaring their fins and performing intricate dances. The female will then lay her eggs, which will be fertilized by the male. It is essential to provide ample hiding spots for the fry to prevent them from being eaten by adult fish.

Overall, PM furcatus is a captivating fish species that can bring color and life to any aquarium setting. With proper care and attention to their specific needs, these fish can thrive and become a beautiful addition to your aquatic collection.

According to recent statistics, PM furcatus has become increasingly popular among hobbyists, with a rise in demand for this striking fish species.

What is the ideal tank size for Pseudomugil furcatus?

The ideal tank size is at least 10 gallons for a small community of these fish. However, a larger tank of 20 gallons or more is recommended for a larger group.

What water parameters do Pseudomugil furcatus prefer?

They prefer slightly acidic to neutral water with a pH range of 6.5-7.5 and a temperature range of 72-78 degrees Fahrenheit.

What do Pseudomugil furcatus eat?

Are omnivores and will eat a variety of foods, including flake food, frozen or live foods such as bloodworms and brine shrimp, and vegetable matter like blanched veggies.

Are Pseudomugil furcatus peaceful fish?

Yes, they are peaceful fish that do well in community tanks with other peaceful species. However, they can be a bit shy and may get stressed in a tank with boisterous or aggressive tankmates.

Do Pseudomugil furcatus need a lot of hiding spots in the tank?

Yes, they appreciate plenty of hiding spots in the tank, such as plants, caves, and driftwood. These hiding spots will help them feel secure and reduce stress in the aquarium.

Can Pseudomugil furcatus be kept in a planted tank?

Yes, can thrive in a planted tank. Live plants not only provide hiding spots and natural filtration, but they also mimic the fish’s natural habitat in the wild.

How often should Pseudomugil furcatus be fed?

should be fed small amounts multiple times a day. It’s best to feed them what they can consume in a few minutes to prevent overfeeding and maintain good water quality in the tank.

Do Pseudomugil furcatus jump out of the tank?

Yes, are known to be jumpers, so it’s important to have a secure lid on the tank to prevent them from escaping.

Are Pseudomugil furcatus prone to any diseases?

are relatively hardy fish but can be susceptible to common fish diseases like ich if water quality is not maintained. Regular water changes and observation of fish behavior can help prevent diseases.

Can Pseudomugil furcatus be kept with shrimp and snails?

are peaceful fish and can typically be kept with shrimp and snails without any issues. However, it’s always a good idea to monitor their behavior and provide enough hiding spots for the smaller tankmates.


In conclusion, Pseudomugil furcatus, also known as the Forktail Blue-eye, is a stunning species of freshwater fish that is highly sought after by aquarium enthusiasts for its vibrant colors and peaceful nature. Through this article, we have explored the key characteristics of the Forktail Blue-eye, including its appearance, behavior, habitat, and dietary needs. We have learned that this species thrives in well-planted tanks with clear, oxygen-rich water and benefits from a diet high in live and frozen foods.

Furthermore, we have discussed the importance of providing a suitable environment for Pseudomugil furcatus to ensure its health and well-being. Maintaining stable water parameters, providing hiding spots, and creating a peaceful community tank are essential factors to consider when caring for this species. By understanding the specific requirements of the Forktail Blue-eye and providing proper care, aquarists can enjoy the beauty of Pseudomugil furcatus in their own home aquariums for years to come.